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Cre8 is a single-day conference that highlights the latest AI-powered product designs in innovation hub cities around the world. Join the Cre8 tribe in person or remotely to get a quick, intensive update on AI product design innovations globally, with a pro-human lens.

We are currently planning Cre8 conferences in Berlin, San Francisco, Tokyo, Paris, Bangalore and London. Details about Cre8 Berlin are below. We are looking for collaborators in each target city.

Cre8 Berlin:
July 3, 2024

The first Cre8 conference took place at the Annex in the Kreuzberg area of Berlin. The next Cre8 conference will be in San Francisco this fall. Attendance in-person will be FREE, but local attendance is only for people who are working on AI products. To request an in-person ticket, submit a short description of your AI product work using the Apply button below. Attendees could be called on to discuss their AI work on stage, creating a fun, engaging experience. Expo space to demo products will be available for $1.000.

Remote attendance is for anyone interested in AI product design, and it will be $95. Tickets will go on sale when the event program is announced later in 2024.

This was Berlin. San Francisco is next!

Jakob Biesterfeldt

Navel robotics

Jakob has worked in human-machine-interaction and product development for over 20 years. Jakob will share his experience at navel robotics building AI-fuelled robots to provide human-like social care. Jakob’s role combines business development and UX design.

Julia Geisendorf


Julia is Senior Product Designer at LabTwin, the first voice-powered assistant for scientists. LabTwin applies machine learning and voice recognition technologies to streamline lab documentation so that R&D outcomes are better, faster and more efficient.

Edna Kropp


Edna Kropp is LivePerson’s Service Strategy and Delivery Lead. LivePerson is an innovative company in the online messaging space. Edna, who has a strong technical background, will talk about Enterprise AI product design and development.

Dr. Janna Lipenkova

Anacode, Equintel

Janna leads  two innovative  companies:   Anacode and Equintel. Both use Artificial Intelligence to deliver cutting-edge business intelligence and guide clients to smarter decisions, strategy and execution. 

Magdalena Paluch


Magdalena is CEO of LabTwin, the first voice-powered assistant for scientists. LabTwin applies machine learning and voice recognition technologies to streamline lab documentation so that R&D outcomes are better, faster and more efficient.

Virginia Stefanello

Choco AI

Virginia Stefanello is Lead Designer  for Choco AI, an AI-powered product that reduces food waste. Virginia will talk about how AI forged Choco’s product market fit through a series of phases that included co-design with users.

Simon Stegemann


Simon Stegemann is a social innovation leader and co-founder of N3XTCODER, which provides state-of-the-art, sustainability-led technology solutions to the non-profit, more-than-profit, and public sectors. Simon is building an ecosystem of tech experts to harness the potential of data science and AI for creating high impact human and planet-centred AI solutions.

Paul Bryan


Paul Bryan produces the STRAT and Cre8 conferences. He will be the emcee for the Cre8 conferences, and will facilitate a thinktank discussion on the “AI Humanifesto”

Cre8 Board of Advisors


Dr. Sofia Ryan


Principal Design Director, AI & Copilot


Shyamala Prayaga


Senior Software Product Manager, AI Foundation Models


Gaurav Paul


Head of Product Data Platform + Search + Generative AI

sanchita ray linkedin headshot

Sanchita Ray

LAZADA (Alibaba)

SVP - Head User & UX Research

Our Mission

Our mission is to shine a spotlight on AI product innovations that extend  human capabilities and enable groundbreaking new experiences. We believe that the best way to support pro-human AI product design is to show the very best examples we can find in the most advanced tech hubs in the world, beginning with Berlin, Tokyo and San Francisco. Use the form below to join the Cre8 tribe of pro-humanity creators!

Reach Out!

We're planning the Cre8 location road map for 2024 and 2025. If you want to speak, sponsor, attend, show&tell, or get involved in some other way, we're always on the lookout for people making progress in AI product design.